Tag: javascript

August 15th – Virtual CoderDojo!

August 15th – Virtual CoderDojo!

Hey Coders! We hope you are all staying safe and healthy. We are excited to announce that we are having another virtual CoderDojo session on Saturday, August 15th from 2:00 – 4:00 PM EDT. This session, we will be completing a Python project as well as an HTML/CSS/Javascript Project. We will create comprehensive guides as usual and assist you as you code your awesome programs! Sign up below and we hope you enjoy what we have in store for you! We hope to see you there!

What is CoderDojo Clark?0

What is CoderDojo Clark?0

We’ve been seeing a lot of new faces lately, so we have decided to host a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, July 28th 2020 from 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM EDT for a brief webinar about our Dojo. Join us to learn more about CoderDojo Clark and have your questions answered. We will conduct a brief overview of our Dojo including our purpose, who we are, and our past projects. For those who aren’t already familiar with our Dojo, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more! Sign up with our Eventbrite below!

June 20th – Virtual Coderdojo!

June 20th – Virtual Coderdojo!

Hey coders! We hope you are all safe and healthy! As quarantine still continues, we have decided to host another online coding workshop. This workshop in particular is exciting because we have decided to create not two but three projects. We are introducing another coding language, C++, for some more variety. We will be creating an interactive calendar with HTML and a few interactive games in Python and C++. We will be presenting our step-by-step guides during the session as well as allowing the attendees to ask questions as they complete them. We hope to see you there! Register with our Eventbrite below:

